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Repair Café Registration

About You

We’ll send you an email after today’s event, and also use this to determine whether you’ve attended our events before. We won’t share it with anyone or send you any promotional emails without your permission.
If so, please be sure to add your email above.
Please include any children, but another adult with their own item to fix should complete a separate form.
Demographic Questions

Demographic information helps us understand who is attending our events and report to our funders. If you feel comfortable, we invite you to share the following (which will only be used anonymously):

We’re not going to physically mail you anything, we’re just curious about just how far (approximately) you travelled to join us.
We try to ensure that our events are accessible via different types of transportation.

Liability & Photo Waivers

At OTL, we believe in the importance of informed consent for your data, your items and your likeness. But repair does sometimes involve inadvertently breaking things. So acceptance of the liability waiver is required to participate, but the photo waiver is optional.

I hereby for myself, on behalf of my successors and assigns, in consideration of being permitted to borrow tools, use the Repair Café space and work with the fixers, agree to release and indemnify and hold harmless the Society for Social Ingenuity (SSI) and the Ottawa Tool Library, their officers, agents, volunteers, representatives, and employees from and against any and all liability, losses, claims, demands, damages, or causes of action of any kind arising out of my borrowing of tools, using the Repair Café space and working with the fixers, including related to the death or injury of any persons, for any property damage suffered or incurred by any person, and for any court costs and reasonable legal fees. I am aware that SSI, OTL, their partners, directors, officers, members, volunteers, representatives and employees claim no expertise and make no representation concerning the fitness of any tool for any particular use.
The Ottawa Tool Library has my permission to use my (and/or my child’s) photograph publicly to promote the library and its work. I understand that the images may be used in print publications, online publications, presentations, websites, and social media. I also understand that no royalty, fee, or other compensation shall become payable to me by reason of such use. A response is required, but acceptance is optional.