Alex: “We became members of the tool library a couple years ago … and little did he know I was thinking of making an engagement ring for him since I knew that an engagement ring for me was coming sometime soon. Ryan’s family had recently replaced a couple of planks on their 1960’s mahogany boat so I talked to his dad and got a piece of plank from the boat. I was able to borrow a block plane from the tool library and using the block plane, I was able to take strips, almost like pencil shaving curls off of the mahogany wood and then wrapped that around a wooden dowel.”
Ryan: ”It was a bit of a surprise, I mean I knew she was working on something but I didn’t know what! I was surprised at how it turned out, how strong it was and how good it looked. I took it off to play hockey but for the most part, I wore it all the time. It was good practice for getting used to wearing a ring in general!”
Alex: “It was when I was looking for the tools I needed to do this project that I found the tool library. Part of my Christmas present to Ryan that year was a tool membership for both of us, and the following summer we were able to build a deck in our backyard using some of the tools from the tool library. We continue to do more and more wood working projects”