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Date(s) - Saturday, Aug 14th

Ottawa Tool Library


Celebrate with us as we mark the official re-opening of the Ottawa Tool Library in our new home on Boyd Avenue!

We’re in our new home! On March 1st, the Ottawa Tool Library took occupancy of our new space at 877A Boyd Ave and have since opened up our doors to the public!

The past few months have been a blur of activity: we renovated our new home, moved four truck loads of tools into the new space, held a garage sale, hosted a Tinkering School summer camp, and held a few workshops! ?

None of this would have been possible without kind donations and an incredible team of volunteers who sprung to action as soon as we needed them.

We have so many people to thank for making our vision for our new home come true! We can’t thank you enough, but we can invite you to our official Re-Opening Party on Saturday, August 14th!

Join us for an afternoon of fun activities, a walk through the new space, an opportunity to meet other members, and chances to win some prizes!